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The APAAACI Allergy Training School (APATS) is targeted towards clinicians and fellows in training in the Asia Pacific region and other neighboring regions to develop their skills and knowledge base/ understanding and practical clinical aspects of allergic diseases.

The content will cover all allergic diseases including allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergy, anaphylaxis, atopic eczema, occupational allergy, drug allergy etc covering both adult and pediatric aspects. 

APAAACI 2019: Allergy Training School Program

APAAACI Allergy Training School Program.

Molecular Allergy course is a comprehensive course to update the following. The first course will be held in Beijing during APAAACI 2019


  1. Understanding what a recombinant allergen is and how it is made

  2. What allergens and molecular tests are available

  3. The advantages of molecular testing for the various applications (food allergy, complicated cases, prescription of AIT, risk assessment, monitoring of AIT)

  4. Case discussion comparing extract-based and molecular results.

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