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APAAACI 2019 Joint CSA

Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


Allergic diseases and asthma are a growing health problem worldwide with a marked socioeconomic impact. With the rapid environmental and life style changes, and the rapidly growing economies the Asia-Pacific region faces a major brunt of the burden of allergic diseases. Parallel to this are the advances in scientific evidence, epidemiological and epigenetic characteristic of the region. 


The Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (APAAACI) was established in Bali in 1989. APAAACI will be celebrating its 30th year Anniversary in 2019. In the light of this, from 5-7 September 2019, the Chinese Society of Allergy (CSA) will host the 2019 APAAACI International Conference in Beijing, China jointly with the Annual Scientific Meeting of CSA. Remembering our predecessors, and motivating the future generation is key to this international congress. The theme of the Congress is ‘Memoriable history, Glorious present, and Splendid future: Current to emerging therapies for better patient care.


The Joint Congress will be a milestone in the history of Allergy in AP. The scientific program will be a well-woven combination of the most recent advances and practical clinical aspects in allergy asthma and clinical immunology targeting both clinicians and researchers across specialties working in this space. With key international, regional and national leaders this will be a strikingly unique platform for leaders, colleagues and juniors working in the field to have the best scientific exchange and future collaborations. The congress will also have specific aspects of the History of APAAACI, its past leadership and future directions. 


On behalf of the APAAACI and CSA boards we call upon all member societies of APAAACI and colleagues from within and outside the region to warmly welcome you to this scientifically state-of-the-art Congress for a unforgettable experience in the beautiful historical city of Beijing.

Final Program


APAAACI History Book

Photo Gallery

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