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APAAACI Presidential Message: November-December


Updated: Dec 20, 2019

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Another year has passed and when I look back at the year 2019, it feels like yesterday that we started working with the new executives and board from October 2018. I express my sincere gratitude to our many committee chairs, committee members and to the many experts/volunteers that have supported APAAACI this year, and strengthened our community, by developing programs, research led discussion and created learning opportunities. APAAACI is all about sharing and updating knowledge, creating regional standards of care, building the next generation, inclusivity and reaching out to governments to improve the quality of life of patients with allergic diseases.

No better time expresses that gratitude than the festive season of the end of each year, when people come together and express their gratitude.

I especially want to thank my fellow members of the APAAACI Executive Committee and the Board that have had regular meetings via calls/ in person meetings to help develop and drive the strategy and vision of APAAACI.

I also express my gratitude to the Chairpersons and members of the 19 committees that have set some strong objectives for their specific areas for the current and coming years.

I also wish to thank the leadership of all our collaborating societies and our national member societies, AAAAI, ACAAI, APAPARI, EAACI, WAO, and all our national member societies for their active contribution to APAAACI’s vision and activities. I express my gratitude to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations (UN) for their continued support.

With time comes constructive change, and APAAACI has changed with the times by appointing a permanent secretariat, updating our logo and refreshing our website with many dynamic contents, developed committees and collaborations. By no means we will ever finish evolving, but we shall drive towards achieving the greatest standards of success.

Wishing you all a great year end and a wonderful start of the new year and decade.

Professor Ruby Pawankar

APAAACI President

APAAACI Reflections of 2019

MSAI-APAAACI: 19th Annual Congress & Plenary Session (5-7 April 2019)

The most recent 19th Annual Congress of MSAI held from 5-7 April 2019 was held in collaboration with APAAACI with the APAAACI Allergy Week 2019, the World Allergy Week 2019 and GA2LEN for (the first ever GA2LEN-MSAI Allergy School in Kuala Lumpur) with an attendance of more than 250 participants from Malaysia and other SEA countries. We also launched the primer editorial for the Impact of air pollution, climate change and biodiversity on respiratory allergies in Asia Pacific with a supporting message from the World Health Organization (WHO).

APAAACI Collaboration in ICD-11 For the past several years APAAACI has been one of the joint academic societies for the ICD-11 task force to include allergy in ICD-11 (led by Luciano Tanno and Pascal Demoly).

We are proud and happy to highlight that this combined effort led to the World Health Assembly approving the inclusion of Allergy in Chapter 4 of ICD-11 on May 27th, 2019 to be implemented in 2022.

PSAAI Skin Allergy Symposium 2019. Manila, Philippines (30 May 2019)

The Philippine Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (PSAAI) held its first Skin Allergy Symposium entitled “Beyond Scratching the Surface” last May 30, 2019. The meeting brought together allergists, pediatricians, internists, dermatologists and general physicians interested in the challenging issues related to skin allergy. The organizing committee put together an excellent program which covered Atopic Dermatitis and new treatment paradigms, Cutaneous Manifestations of Drug Allergies, Systemic Illnesses and Primary Immunodeficiency’s, Urticaria and Contact Dermatitis. APAAACI participated with a plenary lecture at this symposium and a site visit for APAAACI 2022 in Manila (PSAAI bid for APAAACI 2022 and was elected by the APAAACI House of Delegates in Bangkok, October 2018).

EAACI Congress 2019. Lisbon, Portugal (1-5 June 2019)

The APAAACI Board was happy to be at the EAACI 2019 congress in Lisbon which was a great success. APAAACI actively participated with a successful APAAACI Sister society symposium. APAAACI and EAACI leadership met in the International Councils meet. We also had a business meeting with EAACI leadership when we signed an MOU for future collaborations.

JSA-APAAACI Symposium. Tokyo, Japan (14-16 June 2019)

JSA hosted APAAACI symposium at the 67th and 68th JSA Annual congress. The society has also supported the participation of young Japanese doctors to APAAACI congresses via travel grants. Several former leaders of APAAACI Prof. Miyamoto, Prof, Makino, Prof. Fukuda, Prof, Nakagawa have originated from our JSA leaders who have contributed to their immense contribution. JSA will host the official APAAACI 2020 congress with APAPARI as a Conjoint congress with JSA WAC 2020. (JSA bid for APAAACI 2020 and was elected by APAAACI House of Delegates in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 2016)

JACIN 2019 Symposium and Workshop. Jakarta, Indonesia (27-28 July 2019)

This year, JACIN was held on July 27-28, 2019 in Jakarta which brought together 280 attendees or delegates comprising of general practitioners, internists, pediatricians, otolaryngologists and dermatologists to discuss the current updates in Allergy and Immunology. In conjunction with APAAACI and ISAI. This conference also held the APAAACI Allergy Training School, inviting distinguished international speakers such as Hugo van Bever, (board member of APAPARI and current President), APAPARI, along with Ruby Pawankar (current president of APAAACI).

ASCIA Annual Conference. Perth, Australia (4-6 September 2019)

ASCIA's 30th Annual Conference was held in September 2019, which provided an international standard of education and unique networking opportunities for ASCIA members. Our immediate Past President Frank Thien lectured at this congress.

APAAACI 2019 Joint CSA Conference. Beijing, China (5-7 September 2019)

From Sept 5-7, we gathered together for the APAAACI 2019 Joint CSA Conference and 30th Anniversary of APAAACI celebration in Beijing in collaboration with the Chinese Medical Association (CMA). At this congress, APAAACI also collaborated with the AAAI, ACAAI, APAPARI, EAACI, and WAO as well as EAAS to bring to all the delegates excellent scientific sessions. With an outstanding scientific program delivered by over 40 international speakers and 80 national speakers the conference had over 1,200 delegates from 24 countries. I congratulate and am grateful to our hosts under the leadership of Co-Chair Luo Zhang who worked very hard to make this an unforgettable event. It was indeed a pleasure to work with him and his team. The conference was inaugurated by authorities from the Chinese Medical Academy and Beijing Union Hospitals. The World Health Organization extended its supported and collaboration to APAAACI.

APAAACI History Book Published: 30 years of APAAACI HISTORY is documented in this book with photographs down memory lane, edited by Frank Thien (immediate past president) and Hee Bom Moon (past past president). It was launched at the Opening ceremony of the APAAACI 30th anniversary where 22of the APAAACI Founder Members and Past Presidents were felicitated with awards.

APAAACI Allergy Training School, Junior Member Forum & Symposium

The congress had an Allergy Training School led by leaders from the region that was well attended with over 200 attendees. We also had a Junior member Forum led by Agnes Leung and Shao Jie who organized an excellent program that was also well attended. The Junior Member group will move forward with several new initiatives.

HKIA Annual Scientific Meeting 2019. Hong Kong (15 September 2019)

The most recent annual scientific meeting of HKIA was held on 15 September 2019. Many excellent speakers including our President-Elect JY Wang and board member TF Leung lectured to enlighten the delegates with new information.

TAAACI Joint TAPAACIR Conference. Kaoshing, Taiwan (22 September 2019)

Annual joint conference of Taiwan Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology (TAAACI) and Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Allergy, Asthma, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology (TAPAACIR), was held in Kaohsiung Chen Gung Memorial Children Hospitals, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Totally, more than 400 allergists and general pediatricians and physicians attended this annual conference. Prof. Hsieh’s wife was presented the Late Prof. Hsieh's award and the history book in a special ceremony.

APAAACI-APAPARI 2019. Bali, Indonesia (9-12 October 2019)

Early in October, APAAACI leadership actively participated In APAPARI and had an APAAACI symposium as part of our mutual collaboration. The congress hosted by the Indonesian Pediatric Society and APAPARI leadership was a great success with excellent scientific talks and a feast of Indonesian cuisine and cultural events. We thank Professors Budi, Sumadiono and colleagues in Indonesia for their excellent organization and for their kind hospitality.

World Allergy Congress 2019. Lyon, France (12-14 December 2019)

The APAAACI Leadership, few committee members and junior members were happy to be at the WAC 2019 in Lyon which was a great success. APAAACI actively participated with a very successful APAAACI Sister Society Symposium on Changing patterns of the environment and impact on allergic diseases in Asia Pacific. With Prof. Jae Won Oh and Dr.S, Jason Fok and Yuan Zhang. APAAACI also participated in the WAO House of Delegates and promoted APAAACI conjoint congress with JSA/WAC in 2020 and APAAACI 2021. APAAACI held 2 successful committee meetings on Asthma/ Severe Asthma and Urticaria.

We would like to congratulate Prof. Ignacio Ansotegui, WAO President and Prof. Pascal Demoly Co- Chair of WAC 2019 and their teams for a very successful WAC 2019.

JSA/WAO 2020 Conjoint APAAACI/APAPARI 2020. Kyoto, Japan (17-20 September 2020)

The Joint congress will be held in Kyoto from Sept 17-20, 2020. The scientific program is carefully drawn up by the SPC from the 4 organizations. The abstract submission is now open here, and we encourage you to submit your best work at this congress that we hope to be a scientific and cultural treat. There are travel grants too.

We are honored that our largest member society JSA will host The 12th official APAAACI congress (elected by our House of Delegates in KL, Oct, 2016) jointly with APAPARI and Conjoint with JSA/WAC 2020. We encourage you all to actively participate and hope to see you in Kyoto.

The leadership of APAAACI is carefully preparing all APAAACI official events within this Joint congress. Please look up the website here and see this welcome message from the Congress President Prof. Mother Ebisawa of our host country and APAAACI, APAPARI, JSA, WAO leadership. Newsletter attached too.


With the diversity of our region and shared disease parameters or differences with the rest of the world, our numerous Committees have been working hard and initiated/initiating projects that are relevant for the AP region.

Literature Highlights, our web editor Bernard Thong and Amir Latiff have been working tirelessly to develop various web features as well as for the literature highlights. Several junior members are supporting them on their initiatives. I thank them very much for their leadership in doing so.

APAAACI Journal is the Asia Pacific Allergy Journal ( The APAAACI journal 2019, led by Yoon-Seok Chang, has published 5 editorials, 6 reviews, 18 originals, 4 case reports and 2 letters. Among the first primer editorial is the Climate change, air pollution, and biodiversity in Asia Pacific that will lead to APAAACI's white paper on climate change.

New features on APAAACI website

  • APAAACI TV will cover scientific communications, introduction of key leaders, messages from global bodies (i.e. WHO & UN) and various communications

  • Online educational resources will be disease specific

  • Guidelines will cover various diseases

  • Member society highlights is a new feature that highlights various member's societies in the Asia Pacific region

Join us in Kyoto for APAAACI -APAPARI Congress conjoint with JSA/WAC, and stay alert for news on APAAACI 2021 In Kaohsiung, Taiwan, APAAACI 2022 in Manila, Philippines, the upcoming white paper on climate change, air pollution and respiratory allergies in Asia Pacific and our various committee initiatives.

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