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APAAACI Presidential Message: September-October

Warm greetings!

Firstly, I would like to thank the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of APAAACI for their valuable contribution to the organization. I also like to thank all the Chairs, Co-chairs and members of the many APAAACI committees for their enthusiasm and leadership in steering the many initiatives that are much needed for the Asia Pacific region.

APAAACI 2019 Joint CSA Conference. 30th Anniversary APAAACI.

From Sept 5-7, we gathered together for the APAAACI 2019 Joint CSA and 30th Anniversary of APAAACI celebration and conference in Beijing in collaboration with the Chinese Medical Association (CMA). At this congress, APAAACI also collaborated with the ACAAI, EAACI, APAPARI and WAO to bring to all the delegates excellent scientific sessions. With an outstanding scientific program delivered by over 40 international speakers and 80 national speakers the conference had over 1,200 delegates from 24 countries. I congratulate and am grateful to our hosts under the leadership of Co-Chair Luo Zhang who worked very hard to make this an unforgetable event. It was indeed a pleasure to work with them.

APAAACI Allergy Training School, Junior Member Forum and Symposium at APAAACI 2019.

The congress had an Allergy Training School led by leaders from the region that was well attended with over 200 attendees. We also had a Junior member Forum led by Agnes Leung and Shao Jie who organized an excellent program that was also well attended. The Junior Member group will move forward with several new initiatives.

The congress had an Opening ceremony on 6th morning with a video message from the Former Deputy Director General and Chief Scientific Officer of the World Health Organization (WHO) elaborating on WHO vision and in support of our efforts. It was inaugurated by the official of the Chinese Medical Academy (CMA) and the Head of the Beijing Hospitals. This was followed by the 30th Anniversary celebrations with the grand launch of the APAAACI History Book edited by our Immediate Past President and Past Past President Frank Thien and Hee Bom Moon, followed a Video reflecting the History of APAAACI. Following this 22 Awards were presented to our Past Presidents and Founders of the organization’s.

Our founder President Prof Karnen GB and one of our founders from China Prof. Ye Shitai was present to receive the award. Many past presidents like Prof. You Young Kim also attended to receive the awards in person. We missed the late Prof. Felicidad and Prof Hseih whose awards were received by family and leaders in their country. We missed many Past Presidents but who all contributed to the history book. The Congress was attended by Presidents of many organizations regionally and globally.

This was followed by the Keynote Lectures and EAA Symposium and the many excellent state of the art scientific sessions that were held both in English and Chinese with 40 International experts as speakers and 80 national speakers, view program video. Several abstracts were presented in English and Chinese as oral as well as e-posters.

The evening had a Presidential dinner for faculty and invited guests that had cultural aspects to it in addition to a fashion show by Chinese lady doctors.

All in all the conference was an outstanding success from various aspects with the cutting edge science, educational programs, presentations by young fellows and allergists and a social and cultural treat. This will remain in the memory of all as the 30th Anniversary of APAAACI and a symbol of a good collaboration with a valuable member society.

I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to all our distinguished guests, faculty members collaborating societies, sponsors, host society and our board members our host country colleagues for their active contribution and great support to the 2019 Joint Congress.

The 12th APAAACI Congress in 2020 being jointly held with APAPARI will be a Conjoint congress with JSA/WAO 2020 and officially titled as

JSA/WAO 2020 Conjoint APAAACI/ APAPARI 2020

The Joint congress will be held in Kyoto from Sept 17-20. The scientific program is carefully drawn up by the SPC from the 4 organizations. The abstract submission is now open here. and we encourage you to submit your best work at this congress that we hope to be a scientific and cultural treat. There are travel grants too. The leadership of APAAACI is carefully preparing all APAAACI official events within this Joint congress. Please look up the website here and see this welcome message from the Congress President Prof. Motohiro Ebisawa of our host country and APAAACI, APAPARI, JSA, WAO leadership.

APAAACI – APAPARI Collaboration

Early this month, APAAACI leadership actively participated In APAPARI and had an APAAACI symposium as part of our mutual collaboration. The congress hosted by the Indonesian Pediatric Society and APAPARI leadership was a great success with excellent scientific talks and a feast of Indonesian cuisine and cultural events. We thank Professors Budi, Sumadion and colleagues in Indonesia for their excellent organization and for their kind hospitality.

Member Society Highlights

In this issue we highlight 3 of our valuable member societies The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), Hong Kong Institute of Allergy (HKIA) and Taiwan Academy of Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology (TAAACI). Our Immediate Past President Frank Thien is a key member of ASCIA, our President-Elect , APAAACI Jiu Yao Wang has been the President of TAAACI (2017-2019) and hosted APAAACI 2013, and our Board member TF Leung is the current Vice President of HKIA. These Socities have been actively contributing to APAAACI and to the region

APAAACI Community

In our efforts to build a wider platform of APAAACI community in association with our many APAAACI member societies we invite active individuals from countries not yet members but interested to be part of us to join us in this endeavor. We hope to build an APAAACI community that is meant to address our regional needs, to improve patient care and the patient’s quality of life for both adults and children. We thank all in advance for your valuable contribution.

APAAACI Junior Members Assembly

Our key energy comes from our Junior members and we encourage those eligible to be part of our Junior Members Assembly to build the future of our specialty. There are multiple projects and initiatives and these are exciting times. Come join us and help work as a large community.

Web and Journal

Our Web Editors, Bernard Thong and Amir HA Latiff have been working very hard to bring to you the Highlights of the world literature in Allergy as well as other innovative web initiatives including videos from key lecturers from the congress. Please check it out. Our journal Editor in Chief Yoon Seok Chang will soon present the October issue of the APA journal with excellent manuscripts.

Stay tuned to our various APAAACI Committee Activities and Initiatives and volunteer to be part of it. View Committee Page

Finally, please don’t forget to send in your abstracts and register for our JSA/WAO Joint Congress 2020 Conjoint APAAACI/ APAPARI 2020. See you in Kyoto next year.

With sincere regards

Ruby Pawankar, MD, Ph.D

President, APAAACI

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