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APAAACI Presidential Message: September/October 2020


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Warm Greetings from APAAACI!

At the very start, I wish to thank the leadership of APAAACI for supporting me as President and being a part of an organization that not only gives knowledge back but allows friendships to be created within the APAAACI membership and and the larger allergy community.

APAAACI has been creating strong outreach and education programs with its member societies, hosting international scientific conferences/congresses that bring together the best minds in allergy/immunology, and is developing numerous key publications with representation from its member societies and expertise from around the world.

It’s now my greatest honour and pleasure on behalf of myself, the APAAACI leadership, its membership and the entire APAAACI community to heartily congratulate Professor Stephen Holgate (now Professor Sir Stephen Holgate), in receiving the knighthood on the Queen’s birthday honours list.

Professor Sir Stephen Holgate

Prof. Sir Stephen Holgate was part of a team that guided the government during the development of its coronavirus policies while making a terrific effort to create a vaccine against the deadly virus. He was deservedly knighted for his services to medical research. Much of his research has played an integral role during the first months of the Covid-19 effort. Read More

I would also like to express our gratitude and extend our hearty congratulations to the Indonesian Society of Allergy and Immunology (ISAI) and the Philippine Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (PSAAI), for organizing two excellent virtual conventions this month. We collaborated with ISAI at the ISAI virtual conference with an APAAACI-ISAI-JACIN joint symposium titled 'The Microbiome, Prevention, And The Future Therapies of Allergies' on 3rd October 2020.

I was also privileged to be part of the PSAAI for their annual convention ‘Allergy & Immunology: Facing The Challenge of The New Normal' held as their first virtual convention from 14 - 15 October 2020. For both events APAAACI had the pleasure to extend our invitation to the APAAACI membership and extended community to join these events. Both events experienced a large number of attendees and were an outstanding success. More details for each event are highlighted further down.

JSA/WAC Congress 2020

We also extend our heartiest congratulations to the the Japanese Society of Allergology and WAO for the successful JSA/WAC Congress 2020 in Kyoto that had several outstanding lectures.

More recently, APAAACI has started sharing with our APAAACI membership and community bite-sized content on APAAACI E-learning modules from top regional and international experts. We hope you have been taking this opportunity to listen and benefit from our exclusive scientific learnings and updates. For more information on this, kindly visit APAAACI TV on our YouTube Channel or Website. We happily welcome more suggestions on topics relevant to you. Please send them to us at

As we near the end of a year with unprecedented challenges, we assure our APAAACI membership that we will continue to serve the APAAACI community through several new opportunities that will be made available throughout the coming year. We also hope that you keep healthy and well.

We are very grateful for the continued efforts of all healthcare workers who are saving lives, and the continued commitment of clinicians/researchers/scientists who are in the midst of understanding the evolving and changing profile of the COVID-19 pandemic and developing therapies and vaccines.


NSAIDS Hypersensitivity Diagnostics And Provocation Tests & Delabeling Drug Allergy

Prof. Pascal Demoly, Respiratory Physician and Allergist at the University Hospital of Montpellier, shares his views and learnings in an exclusive presentation on NSAIDS Hypersensitivity Diagnostics And Provocation Tests. Prof Bernard Thong follows by a presentation on Delabeling Drug Allergy: Practical Considerations. Stay tuned for a dialogue of minds between the two professors. Watch Presentations Now

Anaphylaxis to Biologic Agents and Desensitization

Prof. Mariana Castells, Director of the Drug Hypersensitivity and Desensitization Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, leads us through the latest developments followed by a live interactive discussion with Prof. Bernard Thong. Watch Presentation Now

Allergy Prevention in Early Life

Prof. Alessandro Fiocchi, Director of Allergy at the Paediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome, shares with us the latest findings and recommendations about Allergy Prevention in Early Life. This presentation is followed by a live interactive discussion between Prof. Alessandro Fiocchi and Prof. Ruby Pawankar. Watch Presentation Now

The Role of Diet Indices, Diet Diversity and General Nutrition in Allergy Prevention

Prof. Carina Venter is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Children's Hospital Colorado and University of Colorado Denver. Watch this informative session as she leads us through the latest developments of the Role of Diet Indices, Diet Diversity and General Nutrition in Allergy Prevention.

This presentation will also be followed by a fascinating Q&A led by APAAACI President, Prof. Ruby Pawankar. Watch Presentation Now

APAAACI-ISAI-JACIN Virtual Symposium: The Microbiome, Prevention, and Future Therapies of Allergy

APAAACI collaborated with the Indonesian Society of Allergy and Immunology (ISAI) and JACIN with a joint symposium outlining 'The Microbiome, Prevention and the future therapies of Allergies' on 3rd October 2020. For those of you who were unable to join the live virtual symposium, we are happy to share the recorded version for your viewing and learnings.

The live virtual symposium presents some of the top experts in our field including Professor Carina Venter, our very own president, Professor Ruby Pawankar, Professor Jiu-Yao Wang, and Professor Alessandro G. Fiocchi. Over 652 delegates attended, and the lectures were well appreciated with a lively informative discussion. With the time differences, our international speakers contributed at even odd hours. We are grateful to them for the same.

Presentations From Prof. Carina Venter, Prof. Ruby Pawankar, Prof. Jiu-Yao Wang & Prof. Alessandro Fiocchi

Tune in now to enrich your knowledge. Watch Presentation Now

PSAAI Virtual Convention 2020: Allergy & Immunology: Facing The Challenge of The New Normal

The Philippine Society of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (PSAAI) organized their annual congress on 'Allergy & Immunology: Facing The Challenge of The New Normal' as a virtual convention on 14-15 October 2020.

The event was an outstanding success, with four of our key speakers including Prof. Hugo Van Bever, Prof. Marcus Maurer, Prof. Luz M. Sison Fonacier and Prof. Ruby Pawankar, with over 5,400 delegates from 36 countries attended this virtual congress.

Prof. Marysia Recto (President PSAAI) and Prof. Racquel Salvador-Tayag (Conference Organizer) and their team

Please note: For those registered for the Virtual Convention, can still access the lectures until the end of the year.

Committee Activities

I would like to congratulate Prof. Bernard Thong, Chair of our Drug Allergy Committee as he led the publication of the committee-initiated paper on the regional aspects titled Drug Allergy Diagnostic Procedures & Practices in the upcoming October issue of our APAAACI Journal AP Allergy.

Our many committee leaders and members are working hard to analyze the survey results to develop consensus documents/state of the art review papers and implement other initiatives. We deeply appreciate their valuable time and efforts in APAAACI’s efforts for the region.

Stay tuned for more publications and initiatives, and volunteer be a part of it!

Upcoming in-person Conference/Congress

We are also planning post-COVID, and are pleased to announce the following APAAACI International Conference in 2021 and APAAACI Congress in 2022. We anticipate that by then we are able to travel, meet in person, enjoy our friendship and learn together again.

1. APAAACI International Conference 2021 Joint TAAACI (October 15 – 17, 2021)

APAAACI jointly with Taiwan Academy of Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology (TAAACI ) will co-host the international conference in Kaohsiung, Taiwan from 15 - 17 October 2021. For more details click here.

2. APAAACI 2022 Congress PSAAI@50 (October 1 - 4, 2022)

APAAACI together with the Philippine Society of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (PSAAI) will be hosting APAAACI 2022 Congress PSAAI@50 to be held in Manila, Philippines, from 1 - 4 October 2022. For more details click here.

AP Allergy Journal

For the Asia Pacific Allergy Journal, we are proud to be announcing the release of the October 2020 Issue, set to be published soon. Visit the AP Allergy Journal to keep updated.

Once again, we thank our Web editors Prof. Bernard Thong and Prof. Amir HA Latiff for their valuable contributions. We also thank Prof. YS Chang for his valuable contribution towards our AP Journal.

With the continued support of the APAAACI Member Societies, our very dedicated APAAACI secretariat in Singapore, I am confident that we will be steadfast in addressing the pressing challenges, and i our accomplishments will be many — within APAAACI as well as in the larger allergy, asthma and clinical immunology community.

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay tuned.

Ruby Pawankar, MD, Ph.D., FRCP (UK), FAAAAI

President APAAACI

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02 févr. 2021

Asia pacific association of asthma, allergy and clinical immunity has the straight forward edge with the latest update of these diseases. The message has been released by the president about the thesis writing service that is about the dates of October or September of this year 2020.

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